Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

in Fort Myers, Florida

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Bio-identical hormones are molecules created to replicate natural human hormones. Bio-identical hormones come from a natural plant base and are proven safe and effective. Once produced, bio-identical hormones are compounded into various delivery methods which ensure maximum absorption by the body. 

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Meet with a NewU Wellness medical provider to discuss unique goals, needs and hormone deficiency symptoms affecting your daily life.

NewU Wellness performs a physical examination, obtains a complete medical history and tests hormone levels right on-site to expedite the development of your custom treatment plan.

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The compassionate team at NewU Wellness is dedicated to customizing unique treatment plans to help patients look and feel great. We specialize in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for men and women.

To discover more about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, call NewU Wellness at (239) 789-2184 or schedule an appointment online today.